Lightning isn't supposed to strike twice. It's supposed to hit once, possible devastate the area of the strike, and never hit there again…
In this house, lightning struck twice.
I had a cute blog post all ready to go to tell you all about how our roller coaster ride was successful and we were excitedly expecting!!! And then- with no warning- I heard the words no mother wants to hear, "I'm sorry, there is no heartbeat." We joined the 1 in 4 pregnancies that end in loss for the second time. To say I was devastated is an understatement. There are no words...
Lightning isn't supposed to strike twice- yet it didn't stop… relationships have ended. Comments that hurt more than I can ever describe have been "shared" with me. Opportunities have changed because the loss of a baby is seen as a "problem" with a person. Not a problem that needs attention to gain support, but a problem that needs to be isolated.
We were 10 weeks... Because of our "roller coaster ride" We knew for almost 7 weeks that our little monkey was growing- our dream if raising a child was going to be fulfilled. Appointments were scheduled, plans were being made, named picked out... We weren't wasting a minute!
December 16 changed it all in the blink of an eye.
I am now mother to 2 angels. Broken, hurting, alone.
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