Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Counting my Blessings

A few weeks ago I mentioned here about participating in Count Your Blessings.
Over the past 4 weeks I have taken time each day to reflect on something that happened each day that I found to be a blessing, something I was thankful for.  It was a great way to focus on the positives as November 2013 didn't want to be left out of the crappiness that has been 2013 for me.  Some of the blessings I found were spurred by something specific while others were more of a blanket statement for things I'm thankful for.

1- My Hard Working Hubby: Matt works 2 jobs to support our family.  I am very thankful to be blessed with a man who has a passion for his career!  He puts in many hours so that I can continue to pursue my career in education by remaining a substitute teacher instead of finding any old fill time job.  There are many days that I wonder if Matt truly understands just how much I appreciate his hard work.

2- Snuggles in bed as a "family":  My favorite place to be is snuggled with my hubby and my dog.  (This was selected as my blessing when we still had our old Dutchess. As she started to go down hill I realized just how much I valued the stress-free moments of having my loved ones close.)

3- Great Friends (like Lauren) who make me laugh and I can spend hours talking with:  Lauren has been my buddy for years and although we don't see each other as much as I would like, or talk on any regular basis… I know that any time I spend interacting with Lauren will be filled with lots of laughs and good conversation! You can read about our awesome BINGO adventure here.

4- Jcrew 7th & 8th grade girls: These girls are amazing!!!  I love learning about them and having a chance to be a kid "do life together."  When I tell people I work with the middle school kids at LCBC the general response is one of "better you than me- middle school is such an odd/rough stage."  Let me tell you Middle School Makes My Day!

5- Dutchess:  She was my old girl, my BFF, and the first to know about sweet TJ.  Miss her to pieces!

6- Classroom's full of kids:  Teaching a classroom full of kids is one of my happy places.  I love to help them grow and learn.  I appreciate the innocence many of them still have and want to do all that I can to help them become cool people! I don't have parental permission to post pictures of the kids- but you know what a classroom of kids looks like.  

7- Time with Matt:  Between our work schedules, Matt and I can go a week of just passing each other.  I always love being with my hubby but appreciate it even more after a few days of quick kisses as we pass at the door.

8- Life Group:  We've been blessed to be a part of 2 life groups.  The first was together when our life was falling apart.  There was (I can see now) a clear purpose to us all being brought together… the purpose was served and we drifted apart (moving will do that ya know.)  We recently joined a new life group- it's a great fit for us… couples around our age, wanting to do life together.  It's been great!!!  The people in both life groups have been a real blessing to me!

 That's most of them anyway...

9- Friends Like K & S:   This great couple is just awesomely fun.  We've shared OBX trips with them… we found out we were pregnant at the same time they were (due 3 days apart)… and they experienced the loss of their little girl just 2 weeks before we lost TJ… I value their friendship tremendously and hope that one day soon we can both share that we're pregnant- and have a happy ending!  Out of respect for the privacy of my friends- you won't see their picture here.  

10- LCBC (specifically their "Be Rich" challenge): This will have an entire post.  LCBC is doing a series called "be rich"- I've taken it as a challenge to enhance the way I live.  The most remarkable thing about it is while they were challenging us to Give… NOT ONCE did they talk about giving to them… the focus was giving to others!  To combine the effort of everyone at LCBC to make BIG differences in the community.  It's been awesome!

11- Mom and Dad:  I have not always appreciated my parents… there was a point in my life where we did not see eye to eye and it was just bad… but this year- they've been pretty awesome.

12- Surprises:  It's not often that I'm pleasantly surprised… I'm normally the one doing the surprising.  This surprise was HUGE- a trip to Vegas.  It was really nice to be the one that was surprised.

13- Hard Workin Hubby: Must be important because it came up twice!  Our Vegas trip was sponsored by all of his hard work.  It helps that there was a backpay check too… My hubby works hard and I really appreciate what a blessing it is for our family.

14- God's beautiful Creations: As an adult I have a new appreciation for the magnificent beauty that our country holds.  In high school my family took 2 different "out west" trips to see many of the national parks… I thought it was cool but didn't completely appreciate what I was seeing.  Now that Matt and I are slowly exploring many of these places together I realize just how awesome "nature" can be.

15- Stacey & Joys of Life Scrapbooking:  This lady and her store… there is so much talent… She wrote a beautiful poem in honor of TJ (33 Minutes).  Stacey offered to hold a private class for my friends from my pregnancy & infant loss support group- attendance was not stellar but those of us who made it (I think) had a good time.  I know I got a lot out of our private journal creating time.

16- Operation Christmas Child: Take a shoebox, fill it with gifts, pay $7 to ship it and make a child in need feel like royalty.  It's an awesome program.  Matt and I made 2 boxes, one boy and one girl, and then I got to help LCBC York pack up all the shoeboxes to ship out… 606 from our branch… this was part of the Be Rich series and was really cool to see it all come together!

17- Gracious Friends: H & D are part of our life group, and we are on the meal ministry team at LCBC… I got a little excited and completely took their week.  Their gracious response was very much appreciated.

18- Clara: We had her for 2 days and we knew she was a perfect fit for us.  I'm enjoying having a normal dog again!  Confused about Clara? Meet Clara!

19- Power: It's something we all take for granted… until we don't have it!  I was teaching, went out to recess and when we came back in… power was out.  We made due but you really realize how much you use it when it's not there.  Yea- being able to read this should be "photo" enough

20- Teachers I work with: The teachers I have had the pleasure to work with are some of the most friendly and helpful that I have come across.  Didn't even make an attempt to gather all of the teachers from my favorite schools together… not happening...

21- Support Group: The phenomenal people in my pregnancy & infant loss support group have been life savers!  Their words of wisdom… sharing stories… working through our loss & grief… It's been helpful beyond words!  Sorry- no picture for this… the beauty of  support group is that we support each other with respect for privacy. 

22a- Wonderful Neighbors: Our neighbor H and her daughter E have gone above and beyond as our neighbors.  While I was in the hospital- they took care of Dutchess during the day so that Matt could be by my side.  They keep an eye out for us and we do the same for them… and if it's been too long since we've seen them… I just go to LCBC and I'll see them there.  I love knowing that we have great neighbors and have said on more than one occasion that when we buy a house- they need to buy the house next door!

22b- My Hubby's Caring Heart: There is a reason Matt is a Firefighter and Paramedic… he has the heart and skills to face the many things they have to face.  He never is completely off duty either… our "other" neighbors experienced an emergency situation recently- Matt picked up on it as the call to 911 was being made and he went into action offering all the assistance he could until more help/equipment had arrived.
Another example of Matt's caring heart- Love my hubby!

23- Grandma:  I Love my Grandma!!!  She has been there for me through thick and thin- always listening, understanding and loving.  I "hold her responsible" for my love for dogs, swimming and late nights.  Her house holds many fond memories for me… the best being my picture perfect wedding!

24- Friends- J and T:  This couple has faced challenges I can not even imagine… yet even in the midst of their challenges they have found a way to be a support to us as we endured our own struggles of life.  They were a part of the first life group and although we aren't officially in a life group together- we continue to do life together!

25- My Mom's family:  For as long as I can remember… my mom's family has always made being together a priority.  We celebrate holidays (even if it's a week or 2 early), have luau's, and just enjoy being a Christ loving family.  They always try to demonstrate their love for each member of the family- all 35 of us now.  The most remarkable thing about this family is the way they rally around family members as they face struggles- it's overwhelming in the best way possible.  Nan and Pap sure knew what they were doing to create a family this strong and loving!
(Left: Pap, Caleb and I in Pap's Backhoe many moons ago       Right: Nan and I at a Luau) 

26- Rose: This chic has been nothing shy of amazing… enough so that she will have her very own spotlight post in the near future… it's one you don't want to miss!

27a- Warm, Dry Home: In the midst of cold, wet, windy, nasty weather it's nice to know I have a warm, stable, dry home to come to.

27b- Generous friends:  I put a request out for a specific item a friend in need really needed… the responses I got from my friends was overwhelming.  To see that my friends will care for a "stranger" because it's someone I care for is heartwarming… and to see the extent that they will go to meet a need and then to go above and beyond… brings tears of joy to my eyes.

28- Good Food, Good Family:   Thanksgiving this year was filled with lots of good food and 14 members of my family. We prayed for my uncle who is just beginning a battle with leukemia, a cousin who is struggling and for a hope filled future, gave thanks for a warm, dry house filled with an abundance of delicious food, ate way too much, laughed until there were tears, remembered my angel baby, played games, and made memories.
I was too busy enjoying the day that I forgot to capture it in picture form…but for your viewing pleasure- This is the same family at a memorial day parade this year.  Always a good time!

I hope you were blessed with a thanksgiving celebration as wonderful as mine!

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