Monday, February 3, 2014

Snow day randomness

You know how sometimes I set off to do one thing and it turns out to be totally different but equally as good???
This started off as a confessions post… but I discovered that there wasn't really confessing happening so much as random thoughts so… enjoy some snow day randomness and look for some exciting news at the end…

  • I love the scarf look that is so popular right now.  However, I struggle to find scarves that are long enough to not look awkward on me.  (Scarf lengths are improving so this problem is becoming less of an issue.)  My mom took me birthday shopping and we found some great outfits that needed a scarf to complete the look.  We couldn't bring ourselves to spend almost $30 for an accessory… so I decided to see if I could "knit" my own scarf.  One my my Avalanche girls "finger knit" an infinity scarf on the bus… I gave it a try…
Needless to say- it's a bit on the thin side… success on making it-- fail on the finished product!
  • Mornings and I do not get along.  Genetically I'm a night owl.  Over the past few years I've come to learn to love a brief portion of the morning.  On days that Matt works- I get up to make him breakfast and pack his lunch.  I like knowing that it's something simple that I can do to get his day off to a smooth start.  His mornings start early (he's up at 4am and out the door before 5) so I head back to bed for a little more sleep before I begin my day 'cause me and 4 am don't agree.
  • Word of advice- If you have a dog who LOVES snow… don't schedule surgery (especially fixing your female dog) in the middle of winter.  All cute Clara wants to do is jump in the snow piles and chase snowflakes.  I have to be mean mom and take her out on a leash and limit her to "business only."  Learn from my mistake- avoid being the mean mom!
  • Heard in my neighborhood today while taking the dog out… "I just need to get my car to Queen Street and I'll be fine."  2 hours later and his Sion XB has yet to get out of the cul-de-sac!  I'm resisting the urge to tell the guy to just go back inside.
  • Flappy birds… GRRR… my Jcrew girls introduced me this game…talk about addicting and frustrating… 
  • Exciting news:  I am a short term substitute in a 2nd grade classroom for 12 weeks and I start on Friday!!!  I'm really looking forward to the opportunity to be back in the a classroom as more than a day to day substitute!  Here's hoping we can get a day of school in before that time so I can observe the teacher before I take over.  
On that note- I'm going to try to be a little productive on my snow day… Trying to find my desk in the extra room.

How are you spending your snow day?  How much snow did you get?

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